Thursday, March 5, 2009

Whew I havent updated in eons.

I will make this quick though because I spent all damn morning twittering.

My husband made me take Poisons 'talk dirty to me' off my caller ring tone because he states 'what if the school calls you'? Yeah ok, got me there.

I dont see how people can have a job and write in there blogs everyday. I dont work and still dont find the time. Yeah ok, I twitter alot, but I can pass by my computer and do that, or do it from my cell phone. Its almost like porn to go.


Ash is making a myspace music account so the world can hear his tunes..I will link that when he gets around to doing it.

Tifeni thinks we should pick her up on Sunday and bring her back by Friday so she can go out with Josh. I love how my kids think I should bow down and convey to their every whim.

The kids had their TAKS test this week. You know, that government mandated test, to see if our teachers are doing their jobs. No, they dont take into consideration learning disabilities and ADD, and all that other stuff. They simply say, 'do your best'. Fucked up thing? They have to pass it to graduate. If your not good at tests, or your learning disabled, you are shit out of luck. Can America be anymore communistic?

Dont answer that.

Ok, I have to go clean house and stuff.

Some guy asked me on twitter, 'so what do you do exactly'...apparently being a stay at home mom is a dying breed. Maybe we should be put on the extinction list?


~Sheila~ said...

WOW...looking over to the right...I see you DO twitter a lot.
I twitter if I remember.

I'd be the stay at home mom who wouldn't do anything but sleep. The kids feed themselves. They are old enough to wash their clothes so I consider my job done.
I'd be on-call for rides and I make the appointments. Oh..and the clothes buying...yeah.

That's it.

honkeie said...

Simple I blog from work lol. I know all about that test, its just another pointless tool that wont last.