Monday, September 22, 2008

Extended Summer Vacation??

My kids wont go back to school until Sept 29Th because all 3 schools were flooded. Other schools in the area wont go back until the middle of Oct because of severe flooding.

I'm deathly afraid of snakes but knock on wood, I haven't seen one since the hurricane. I'm wondering if its because before the hurricane i put out moth balls all around my house. Yes they smell but I'm wondering if the snakes think so also. Ive seen plenty of moths and thousands of mosquito's so apparently they are immune.

My youngest daughter had a few girls stay the night last night. They are all around the same age, early teens.
Heard from the kitchen this morning: 'Holy cow, one cracker has 2 grams of fat"!?!?
Now it starts? Unbelievable. If my 105 pound daughter says she needs to go on a diet I am going to scream!

1 comment:

~Sheila~ said...

Obviously an expended vacation for them. Hope they enjoy it. There goes that boredom you were talking about before when the kids when back to school.