Monday, July 21, 2008

What is your most embarrasing moment?

I think everyone has had their embarrassing moments.

The longer I am a parent, the less I get embarrassed.

I think my most embarrassing moment as a parent was when I had my youngest daughter in a beauty pageant, and I went to walk off the stage, and I fell. I held onto my daughter, who was like 5 months old, but the whole audience gasped.





Of embarrassment that is.

I did hurt my ankle, but nothing was broken.

It was such an embarrassing moment, my husband didn't even rush over to help me, he just sat there, acting like he didn't know me.
He later said, "Well, if I didn't see you get up, I would've went over there to help you".
Oh thanks alot!

I'm not going to blame him though, I would've acted like I didn't know him either.


Julie H said...

My current most embarrassing moment is when I threw up on the bus on my daughter's 8th grade field trip. I really wanted to die and I'm sure she did too lol.

Anonymous said...

When did you hook up with my husband?