Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Do you spank?

An Iowa mother was given a ticket by a police officer on 4th of July weekend, for spanking her fit throwing toddler. The ticket was for child abuse. (You can see the article on this link)

Now, as a mom of 5, I spank my kids. I put the fear of God into my kids much like my parents put the fear of God into me. My teens are also not 'gang bangers', thugs, or in trouble with the juvenile system. If more parents spanked their kids, there would be less gangs, and teen violence.
A few weeks ago on the news it showed 3 teens that beat a homeless man to death. These teens were around the age of 14, and the oldest was only 15. Now, had their parents put their fear of God into them with a belt or an extension cord once or twice, they wouldn't have done such a Hannis act.

Do you spank your children? If you don't, why not? Does 'time out' seriously work for you?..and do you think 'time out' is going to work when they are older than say, 4?

On a side note, I have my sons friends here for the next 2 weeks. My youngest girl and boy are spending the next 2 weeks with my mom. My middle son didnt want to go. So, 4 boys, for the next two weeks.

Fun. Times. Memories in the making.


Heather said...

Yep, I'm a proud spanker. I have four girls and I'll be darned if I let a 3 year old embarrass me with bad behavior.

Cherlyn said...
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Cherlyn said...

I can't answer this question as a parent beacuse I'm not one. But I was spanked as a child. I had to have done something pretty bad to get it, but I got it. I think I turned out ok.

~Sheila~ said...

Yes ma'am. I definately spank. I still spank my 13 yr old if he acts up. I havent had to spank anyone recently (since my last post about spanking Dom) and I think it's because they know I don't joke. They know they will get their butt tore up. All I have to do is threaten to spank now and any and all bad behavior ceases.
I was spanked. I know what it's like.

Justa Hillbilly said...

Hiyas Ericka, ltns and it is good to see/read you. Really!! :)

WoW! (but this has been going on for years....when my son was around12-13, he threatened to call SocialServices if I 'dared' touch him...he had received several spankings before this, but I will admit, when he threw this threat up to me, I backed down,.. for the most part, as far as 'physically' handling him, anyways..)
My daughter, well, hmmm...That's complicated, she has been spanked, so to speak, well, for her (and me)'s just different....she is blind and mentally handicapped, she is dealt with differently...heh, sometimes....sometimes, she gets rough with me and I will get rough right back, to an extent ya know...but still she gets the message, lol.
Maybe not the Fear of a god in them, but at least the fear of Mom, lol! :):)

get in touch soon

KatBouska said...

I'm not big on spanking. I have done it and I will again, but I'm not convinced it works with my kids and I always feel horrible.

That being said I do NOT think spanking equals child abuse. Give me a break.

Time out or being sent to their rooms does work for my girls. I imagine when they are older punishments will be more like not being able to go to the football game or taking away priveledges.

Dana said...

I do spank my kids but it doesn't really work. My 12 year old in particular is a VERY difficult child and he is really hard to get through. Nothing phases him. Maybe I'm just not doing it hard enough....he's got a butt of steel. PLUS, we've had CPS at our door more than once because he tends to tell only the spanking part of a story and not the horrible things leading UP to the spanking. Seriously, he's SUCH a terd.

On a side note, I can't feel sorry for you having been stuck with extra boys bringing you up to a total of four....I have 5! at home! Wish I could pawn some off on some poor unsuspecting family member for awhile!

Anonymous said...

I spank,..but I have trouble gathering the balls to really make it count.

Time out works when we commit to it..which is sometimes.

The term "child abuse" should be reserved for cases that involve actual ABUSE..not these borderline, nah-nah issues. All this debate over spanking seems to take power and severity away from the term 'child abuse.'