Thursday, July 17, 2008

Boys are dumb.

My son and his friends did the dumbest thing yesterday. They gave each other mohawks. My son now looks like a white supremacist, because platinum blond guys should NOT get mohawks.
My son even made the comment, 'this has been the dumbest thing I have ever done'. Live and learn I guess.




Dirty White boy said...

I kind of miss my mohawk.

~Sheila~ said...

HA HA HA HA. Yes, apparently they will have to learn. Just don't cut it ALLLL off cause then...really!

Cherlyn said...

My Senior year in high school, the entire football team got mohawks.

Julie H said...

Too funny. I keep waiting for Trev to want a different hair cut other than the standard 4/2.

KatBouska said...

Oh my gosh He DOES look like a white supremacist...and even if he shves the rest off...he'll STILL look like a white supremacist.

He could always die it black...

Justa Hillbilly said...


good luck with this least hair does grow back!

Dana said...

Boys ARE dumb. Mine do the stupidest things all. the. time! Think of the show Jackass and you will have a clear understanding of the things my oldest two like to try out....I am just so proud....